Arsenal (Full Metal Superhero Book 1) Read online

Page 15

  Her eyes light up and color rushes to her cheeks. She leans against my workbench for a second before she looks up at me, “Why didn’t you tell me he is still here? He’s dreaming about you, want to know what?”

  I carefully open my bagel and nibble at it. She isn’t wrong, it’s the most delicious bagel I’ve ever tasted. I focus really hard on it while I bite at it in small parts. I know ignoring her won’t make her go away, but I’m trying real hard.

  “Oh fine, let me put up a wall for a second, his dreams are—intense.”

  Please stop talking! I take another nibble. After a moment she takes a deep breath and lets it out. She walks around to sit on my guest chair and takes out her own bagel.

  After a few minutes of silence I feel like I can talk again. Maybe if I just completely ignore the fact Luke is sleeping in my bed she will too. It’s not like we did anything wrong. It’s just…

  “I have walls against his emotions, not yours. Come on, Amelia, spill, you’ll feel better,” she says with a smile.

  “Fine, we were kissing and then snuggling and I told him I like to watch Star Trek before bed and he actually said, ‘Is that the one with Darth Vader?’ I had to educate him. It’s not my fault we fell asleep, fully clothed I might add, watching the second episode. I woke up a few hours ago to do some work on the sword. It isn’t like I sleep a lot anyway.”

  “See, was that so hard?” she asks.

  “Yes, yes it was. Would you like to see my sword?”

  “I would love to.”

  I pop the last bit of buttery goodness in my mouth and click a few keys on the keyboard. The kinetic shield emitter I installed in the lab powers down enough for the sword to rest lightly on its display.

  “Okay, pick it up and be very careful. You’ve seen Star Wars, right?”

  “God, Amelia is everything about you this nerdy?”

  I shake my head, “Geeky. Nerdy is when I start explaining the science behind it. Listen, the blade is what you would call—sharp. I don’t want you lopping your arm off with it by accident.”

  She freezes her fingers on the hilt, “Is it really that sharp?”

  I glance around the workshop for my pipe wrench, it’s in the corner and I point, “Hand that to me, okay?” She does. I hold it up horizontally with an end in each hand.

  “Now, carefully pick up the sword, line up the last few inches and give it a swing.” I call it a sword because it is nearly four feet of titanium and carbon tungsten, but I decided to avoid the curved end. The blade is square with a thick ridge on top and the diamond coated blade on bottom. I don’t really have a cross-guard, the blade ends and the round hilt begins. It’s slightly larger than a sword would normally be, for me anyways. This way I can comfortably wield it while in my armor. It’s not like I am going to do any fencing from my chair.

  “Now would probably be a good time to tell you I am slightly stronger than your average woman,” she says.

  “Good, because it weighs about thirty pounds.”

  She wraps both her hands around the hilt and lifts the blade straight up, “Wow, yeah it does. Yet, it feels incredibly agile.” She swings the sword back and forth a few times.

  “Ahem,” I nod to the wrench.

  She places the square tip of the edge on top, lifts and comes down. The wrench comes apart like it was made in two pieces. The edges are perfectly smooth.

  “Oh my god, you made this?” she asks.

  “Yes I did,” I answer with a grin, “The airport battle got me thinking about how Blade had this melee weapon and I simply could not come near her without getting hit.”

  “You didn’t seem to have any problem with Tire-Iron, I noticed, You have to tell me sometime how you stopped a blow from an F5 strong man?”

  “Science,” I say to her.

  “That’s your answer for everything,” she replies with narrow eyes. Carefully she puts the sword back on the pedestal. The display is made out of titanium too, but I’m pretty sure given time the sword would cut through it. The kinetic field emitter that makes it seem heavier, does the reverse when it is placed on its display. It ends up resting gently without the blade actually touching the alloy.

  “This way I can have something for close combat and I don’t have to go in with my fists. I can temporarily make my suits apparent strength extremely high—”

  “—How high?”

  “—High enough to catch an F5’s fist with my hand,” I say. My smile threatens to engulf my face when her jaw drops.

  “That’s how you stopped Tire-Iron’s fist! How long can you maintain?”

  “That level of strength? Only a few seconds. I can mimic F2 strength indefinitely. Which puts me around lifting a couple of tons at most.”

  There has been a hole in me since I was a little girl, and suddenly, hardly with me noticing, the hole is filling up. I’ve never had anyone to share this stuff with. Carlos is fun to hang out with, and he keeps me grounded, but it isn’t the same. Kate understands. I have a best friend, I have a boyfriend—maybe—a place I belong. I never imagined this life. I started out wanting to find out about my parents, and now I have all this other stuff.

  Before I know it the sun has been up for hours and Kate and I have been talking the whole time. She knows all the right things to get me to open up.

  “You know, when I was twelve my powers expressed. They didn’t have the test for it back then,” she says to me.

  “What happened?”

  “I was in the seventh grade and one morning I felt everything. Every little piece of emotion everyone else felt, but I felt it all, felt it raw. I thought I was going crazy. I literally ran screaming from the school. My parents found me down by the waterfront… I was about to throw myself in when they came. I couldn’t take it anymore. It was like I was everyone else and my mind was lost in an ocean of other people’s emotions.”

  “How did you learn to control it?”

  “There are special schools for people, places you can go and be you. Empaths are pretty rare, though, along with telepaths. There were maybe twenty other kids there with similar abilities. However, two years at brain school and I had a handle on it. I can put up shields and blocks, etc. It wasn’t till later that the rest of my, um, powers came in.” She waves her hand down her side and I realize she’s talking about her looks.

  “When that happened… I had to be locked away from everyone for almost a year.” She gets this far away look in her eyes and I feel like an idiot. Of course not everyone here had a normal life. When I look at Kate all I see is the supermodel. I can be such a jerk.

  “I’m sorry.” I lean over and rest my hand on her leg. “I didn’t know.”

  “It’s tough all over, right? I had to spend three years in isolation learning to control my pheromones. A teenage girl with my powers is a disastrous combination. Lucky me by the time I learned to teleport it was all…”

  “Ahem,” Luke’s voice comes from behind me.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to intrude but, uh I wanted to take a shower and—” he fumbles for words and if I Kate and I weren’t in the middle of a serious conversation, I’d be laughing.

  “No, it’s fine Luke,” I say as I spin the chair around. I manage to wipe my eyes at the same time. “Um, can I see you later?”

  “We do have a team exercises scheduled for today,” he says with his drill sergeant voice. Terror floods me, did I misread everything? Didn’t he like kissing me? Why wouldn’t he want to see me again?

  “Amelia, I’m joking, of course I want to see you again—socially. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

  I nod not trusting my words. He smiles, leans down and kisses me on the cheek. “Great, be ready at seven.”

  The hot water pouring over my head and shoulders feels incredible. My upper body aches from the strain of training. Six hours of team drills, practicing everything we might need. Luke was right to have us do it. We were lucky at the airport. Still, I’m sore as all hell. My suit isn’t built to fl
y and carry someone. I had to figure out how to do it. It meant awkwardly holding someone in one hand while ‘pushing’ down with the flight stabilizer in the other. It ended up feeling like I did one-armed push-ups all day.

  We practiced more than combat moves, we did tactics, and how to retreat in an orderly fashion. It was a long day, I liked it though. I got to be around Luke and with my mirrored faceplate he didn’t see me giving him the goo-goo eyes all day. However, I did catch him looking at me more than once.

  I turn the shower off and slide myself out onto the floor. It’s much easier to be on the floor in the shower than to risk being on a bench or having someone here to help me. My shower is completely custom. The nozzle is only a few inches above me, I can easily reach it and adjust or detach it. I have all the soap and supplies I need. When I’m done I slide out and towel myself off. The mirror, sink, and everything else is on an adjustable counter I can raise or lower. Whether I’m on the floor or in my chair I’m covered.

  Once I’m done there I use a step-like attachment to enter my wheelchair. I raise myself up one step at a time until I’m sitting in the chair and then I take the attachment off, easy-peasy.


  “I knew you were going to do that!” I holler at Kate. “Have you ever heard of knocking?”

  “I wasn’t in the neighborhood, but I wanted to help you get ready.” She must have been at the gym, a light level of sweat glistens off her body. She’s wearing boy shorts which hug her hips like they’re painted on and a sports bra. Her muscles are incredibly toned and detailed, and her legs… the exact opposite of mine. She looks like she could run forever. Shapely, tone, agile. I glance down at my own, thin, emaciated, worthless. I wish she had waited until I was dressed instead of only wearing a towel.

  “Oh honey, I’m sorry. It was thoughtless of me.”

  Empath, right.

  “I—it’s okay. You didn’t—it isn’t anything I didn’t already know.”

  “Still, I pop in here wearing my workout clothes and I just—I didn't think. Forgive me?”

  “Of course.”

  She wheels me out to the bedroom and gives me a brush to start on my hair. She pops out and almost right back again holding three bags. Two from a trendy place I would never shop at, and one is pink and is obviously from a lingerie store.

  “I am not wearing that,” I point at the pink bag.

  “Listen, I’m not saying you have to undress for him, but trust me when I say, wearing this will make you feel sexy. When you feel it, you are sexy. Have a little faith I know what I’m talking about.”

  “Says the woman with the perfect body and mind control powers,” I say skeptically.

  “The truth is, Amelia, all women have mind control powers, it’s just most never learn how to use them… I will show you and then the learner will become the master.”

  “Only a master of evil, Kate,” I laugh. “Okay, only because you nailed the quote. Show me.”

  A few hours later I’m in Luke’s Ford F-150 driving down fifty-one to Camelback. He says he knows a great French place we can eat at. I love that he has a truck. A nice one too. He lifted my chair into the bed no problem. A perk of dating a man who can deadlift most cars is he won’t have any trouble with my chair.

  The interior of the truck is immaculate. There isn’t even trash in the little receptacle. I reach over and flip on his radio, curious to see what kind of music he listens too.

  Country, ugh, more country, country, Cage the Elephant. Score!

  “We may not have overlapping taste in music,” I say as the first notes of Aint no rest for the wicked plays. He smiles at me. His hand slides over and covers mine. This has got to be a dream. One I’m going to wake up from any minute… nope.

  “You did great today in training. I thought Fleet was going to pee his pants when you hoisted him up in the air. For a guy who can run a couple of hundred miles an hour you would think flying would be no big deal,” he says.

  “Ha, yeah,” I think about my next words carefully, “Luke, are we dating? I mean like, are we boyfriend and girlfriend?”

  He focuses on the road for a moment, maneuvering his dark red pickup through some hairy traffic. I don’t mind, he’s wearing chinos and a tailored button-down blue shirt. I follow the line of his jaw down his neck to watch his muscles flow as the shirt strains slightly as he moves. I could seriously watch this all day.

  “Do you want to be? I don’t want you to feel pressure or anything, but I don’t normally kiss women I don’t want to be involved with.”

  “Can I tell you something?” Oh boy, I have no idea how to say this. Don’t screw this up Amelia.

  “Fire away,” he says in typical marine fashion.

  “You’re the first guy who has ever wanted to date me, let alone kiss me,” I stumble over the words. I had told Kate this and she suggested I tell him. Get it out of the way and clear expectations. I need to take it slow, she said he would understand.

  “Are you saying you’re a—”

  “Someone who’s never dated a guy before,” I say with a little warning in my voice. Typical guy, the first thing he thinks is ‘oh she’s a virgin’.

  “Amelia, you’re twenty years old, a knockout and quite frankly one of the smartest people on the planet. How is it possible you’ve never dated before?”

  I shrug, ignoring his obvious attempt at false flattery, “I’m dedicated. I cut everything out of my life I didn’t need to have in order to be where I am. Honestly Luke, most guys don’t even look once at a girl in a wheelchair, and I’ve been in it since I was six.”

  As I speak I hear a bit of anger in my own voice that surprises me. I thought I had come to terms with this a long time ago. It’s easy, though, to come to terms with something when it isn’t a possibility. Here, in this truck, it is.

  “I would be honored to be your boyfriend, if you’ll have me. Seriously though, no pressure.”

  I look at him carefully, “I don’t want it to change our work dynamic. The team is really coming along and—”

  “—You mean the dynamic where I yell at you and you slice me with some cutting remark?”

  “Yeah, that one,” I say fake punching him in the arm. It’s like hitting a brick wall. I shake my hand. “Ow.”

  We drive the next few miles in silence. The sky fills with vibrant pinks and oranges as the sun continues its slow march toward the horizon. The western sky looks alive and on fire.

  He gently guides the truck into a parking space outside a restaurant I’m positive he can’t afford. Once he puts it in park he shuts the engine off and turns to me.

  “Amelia, I’m not the smartest bulb in the bunch, I know this. If we were to speak of your intellect like my strength, then I’m you and you’re me. I can’t even imagine what it is like to have your wit, your imagination, to see the world the way you do? You make connections, you invent things, hell I’m just an ex-marine whose only asset is he can punch through steel. I have to be careful every single day not to hurt people. I’m desperate to control my emotions because my powers feed into my anger. The more my heart pumps the stronger I get. It’s why I was in awe with what you did at the airport.”

  I turn to him as best I can and put my hand on his shoulder, “Luke, I… I’m not going to be patronizing, I know I’m smart—”

  “—Genius—” he interjects.

  “—Smart, and maybe not everyone can compare to that, but I don’t think less of you because you can’t do quadratic equations in your head. Honestly, it’s refreshing to be around someone who isn’t trying to prove he’s smarter than me. I get in these heated debates with idiots at MIT who think everything in our world being a fractal at the molecular level is somehow a random coincidence and—” Shoot, I lost him, “Sorry, my point is you have your area of expertise and I have mine. I like that. It’s clear lines of who can do what.”

  “I guess what I’m trying to say is… you’re a catch. If you’re willing to date me, then I am wholeheartedly on board,”
he says.

  “Okay then, yes I—”

  He leans over and kisses me. It starts out gentle and sweet but quickly turns into something far more energetic. When we break the windows are fogged up and I’m breathing hard.

  “Uh, we should eat,” he says. A flush of red fills his face as he glances away from me. God he’s cute.

  “Alright then, muscles, retrieve my chair!” He smiles and throws a mock salute before he gets out of the truck. My phone vibrates in my clutch, which is a good reminder I need to shut it off. I pull it out and check the message fully expecting a teasing text from Kate. The truck rumbles and shakes. I put my hand on the dash and turn to tell Luke to take it easy with my chair. He’s stumbling backward and I notice, every car is shaking. I hear glass break, someone screams and the asphalt splits open all over the parking lot. Earthquake? In Arizona? I manage to pull my seatbelt on and grab the handle in the roof and hold on for dear life. I close my eyes and my fear runs away with me. Please stop shaking!

  There are so many simple things being paralyzed turns into a nightmare. This is certainly one of them.

  After what feels like forever, the shaking stops. The door flies open and Luke is there. He slips his arms around me and holds me. I realize I’m crying. I hate being helpless. Add scared to it and I don’t feel an abundance of control.

  “You okay?” he asks.

  “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” He doesn’t let go, his arms wrap around me and I feel safe and secure. After a few moments I pat him on the back, letting him know he can let go. He holds on for a few more seconds before he does. He cups my chin and wipes some of my tears away with his thumb.

  “Would it be terribly inappropriate to kiss you?”

  “Please do,” I whisper. After a few more minutes I’m starting to feel good again. Then I remember the phone. I pat him on the chest and he backs up a few inches.

  “I think our date is going to be canceled,” I say as I pull out my phone.

  9.3 Earthquake in the Gulf of California. It’s from Epic. He must have sent the message as soon as it happened.